Saturday, November 17, 2012

# 70 T is for tourtiere...please help!

Tourtiere... those wonderful French Canadian meat pies that are a tradition at Christmas... 

Tradition or not, a tourtiere is a great "make ahead" as the pie can be assembled and frozen, then baked straight from the freezer just before serving.

Unfortunately, my French Canadian daughter-in-law's recipe makes 15 pies so I tried this version by Montreal Gazette food editor Julian Armstrong (A Taste of Québec).  Easy to make, it has a very mild "pork only" flavour.  The pie crust is from The Pioneer Woman.

Julian Armstrong's Tourtiere

Any suggestions for a spicier, pork and beef filling?  Please pass them along!  Merci!


  1. Never ever heard of it. Interesting...

  2. Definitely worth trying! Just needs a big salad and it makes a great meal.
