Monday, January 27, 2014


I love walking. 

By myself - a time to shake out the cobwebs, reflect, think and problem solve.

With my spouse - a time to connect.

With friends - a time to vent, laugh and catch up.

I thought you might like reading this article I found online.  

It outlines five walking goals, each with a customized walking plan.  

Strengthen your immune system.
Keep your heart healthy.
Lose dangerous belly fat.
Stress less.
Lower your cancer risk.

Time for a walk!

1 comment:

  1. Morning Maggie! I love to walk, too - especially alone. It is a great time to just get my thoughts together. I used to walk LOTS but have managed to sit behind this computer to much in recent years. So this year one of my goals is to get back to living my life as I used to -- including walking 3 times a week. So far so good. I will check out that link!
